Friday, September 26, 2008

The Beginning

I always thought the idea of blogs were kinda stupid. I mean, who really wants to read an online diary? And no one would possibly put anything juicy on something that everyone could access. But, my friend Brooke has one for her baby and I thought it would be a great idea. Not only to keep a running baby book of sorts, but also to communicate happenings, show pictures, etc. to people who aren't around to see the baby everyday.

So here I sit, 5 months pregnant, starting my own blog. I want to put things down on paper (or digital paper anyway) so I don't forget, so my parents in Florida can remain updated (even though we talk daily), and so someday, if and when Baby Soto wants to, he/she can read it.

About the he/she comment--I should know what Baby Soto is by now. I had my ultrasound appointment that was to determine which pronoun we should give it. But IT decided that it didn't really like the ultrasound machine, and wiggled away each time, hiding behind my belly button. Apparently the belly button is the black hole of the ultrasound world and, despite the technician's best efforts, she was unsuccessful. I had mixed feelings on this. On one hand, I was frustrated that the baby was trying to hide. On the other, I was proud of this kid's very early awareness of "Stranger Danger". Paul was excited because he thinks the activity means that this kid is going to be an athlete. I'm still grounding it when it comes out! But it was hard to be frustrated for too long. Everything looks good with regards to size, weight, development, etc, so it is pretty hard to get hung up on the sex of the baby.

I am also feeling little flutters now and then which are pretty cool. They are increasing in frequency and now, even though I have seen the baby, I am truly beginning to feel like I am pregnant. My belly is gettting a little rounder too. This whole thing is really interesting and I can't wait to notice more, feel full-fledged kicks and meet this little munchkin!