Monday, October 22, 2012

New tidbits

This is the first year Jack has really figured Halloween out. And he's beyond excited. We look at the calendar and count the days and we talk about what we are going to do on the actual day. But I think he thinks Halloween is a more like preparing for a hurricane. Today he came up to me carrying his pumpkin bucket and told me, "Mommy, I have everything I need in case I get candy. I have my pumpkin and my water."

--------------------------   Jack is a genius.  The other day we were waiting at a stoplight.  There was a fire truck in front of us stopped at the light.    Jack:  Where is he going? Us:  I don't know. Jack:  He's going to the fire station.  His lights aren't on so he's not going to an emergency.    --------------------------   Saturday was my day to get up with the kiddos.  When I went to fetch Dani from her crib she asked me, "Where Jack and Paul?"

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Future Hairstylist?

Dani loves hair.  More specifically, Dani loves MY hair.  Though she found it interesting early, she has now started to find comfort in it.  When I pick her up, the first thing she does is put her arms around me and grab  my hair on each side with both hands.  She never pulls, she just gently submerges her hands into it and sweetly plays with it.  Sometimes it has a calming effect on her and she'll just get very quiet and rest her head on me while continuing to play with my hair.  For a girl who is going full tilt 24 hours a day, it is a welcome quiet time where she is sweet and cuddly.  Though I usually wear my hair up in a pony tail on the weekends, I have found myself leaving it down so I don't disappoint her.  Or me. 

I have always been told that I have great hair.  Every hairstylist I've ever had has complimented me on its thickness and I really didn't think much about it other than when I was on minute 15 of blowdrying a still wet head.  The compliments were always nice but pale in comparison to the most important opinion  from the little girl whose chubby hands find their way into my hair when she wraps me up in a hug and lays her head on my shoulder. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dani notes

Dani says everything as though it is a question, even when it isn't. 

Dani gets really proud of herself when she puts words together to make "sentences" or just longer speech samples.  New favorites are "Burger and fries"  (bugu n fyes), "Burger King"  (bugu. . . .. KEEENG!), "Fan is broken" (fahn bokin), "It's dark outside."  (dahk saiiii), "Where did Grandma go?"  (O Gooona go?)  It's not always pretty but she gets the job done.

Dani is really good at colors and can easily identify blue, red, green, yellow, orange, pink, purple, and white.  She can identify the animals dog, cat, bird, duck, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, chicken, cow, pig, giraffe, rabbit, owl, fish.  She can also do the sounds for cat, sheep, monkey, chicken, cow, pig. 

Dani has a cold right now.  When she sneezes and the snot runs down her face, she declares that she has "Mocos!"  When you wipe her nose she says, "Thank you."  (Ak ooooooo!) 


Yesterday, while we were trying to watch Jeopardy, Dani bent in half a the waist and walked slowly across the floor like an old lady.  Paul and I watched her wondering what the heck she was doing.  When she got to the other side of the room, she stood up, gave a huge smile, threw her arms in the air in victory, and declared, "I DID IT!"  Still not exactly sure what "it" was but if there is anything we have learned about Dani, it is that there is no playroom in the world that is as cool as the one in her head!

Dinner Table Antics and Stuff

Jack acted up tonight at dinner and I informed him that there would be no treat. I told him that the banana he was eating was his treat. With a look on his face that was a cross between panic and confusion, he said, "NO! It's a ba-na-na! It's a FRUIT!"


At dinner Paul told Jack he needed to take four more bites of vegetables. After much stalling and whimpering, Jack waited until Paul and I started having a conversation. In the middle of our conversation, Jack eats a huge forkful and excitedly announces, "FOUR!!"

Nice try, kid.


Jack was standing on the couch, trying to swing the pictures hanging on the wall.

Me: What are you doing? Are you CRAZY?

Jack sits down and calmly states, "I am crazy."

Dani: I cway-zeee!!


Even though Dani talks a lot, only about 10% is actually intelligible. But tonight, I am fairly certain she said "entente" and "Gauguin." If this kid decides to take French, I'm gonna be ticked off.


Jack had a cold a couple of weeks ago:

Jack: I'm really sick. Who make me sick?

Me: I don't know. Who do you think made you sick?

Jack: You make me sick.

I think we need to start talking about the importance of verb tense. Oh, and the negative effects of false accusations.


Me: Isn't your sister the cutest girl you've ever seen?

Jack: No.

Me: What!? Then who is?

Jack: You.

Have I mentioned I love this kid?