Monday, March 1, 2010

Jack's Dictionary

Words he says on his own: Mommy and Daddy (though mostly we have to ask him to say it), car, bye-bye, book, banana, up, ball, Moose (Moose and Zee cartoon on Nick jr.)

Things we think he is trying to say: No (shakes head), No (scrunches up face and says, "uhnnn"), bah-boo (we don't know what it means but he says it a lot), elephant ? (turns to page in book with an elefant and says "eh, eh")

Things he can repeat: Nonny, Poppy, Grandma, alphabet (he's really good at A, B, D, L, M and pretty good at H, N, P)

Phrases/Words he knows/recognizes (shortened version--aka just the stuff I can think of right now): Jo-Jo (stuffed monkey), kitty, kiss, bring it to Mommy/Daddy, give it to Mommy/Daddy, throw it, Randy (stuffed cow), night night, eat, milk, water, where is. . ., ear, eye, nose, mouth, go bye-bye, music (for his music box in his crib), honk the horn, turn off the light, push the button

1 comment:

Brooke Ullman said...

Oh do tell me he knows "Show me your belly button"... that's the best. Evie was so into showing her belly button on command that she greeted another neighborhood boy (same age, approximately) by silently lifting up her shirt and jamming her fingers into her belly button. He watched and silently returned the gesture. It was awesome. She must have been about 15-16 months old.