Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Still Loves Jeopardy!

When Jack drinks his 3 glasses of milk each day, he likes to snuggle. We give him one in the morning when he first wakes up and we snuggle on the couch and watch some cartoons. In the afternoon and at night, we usually watch Jeopardy. Though he doesn't dance as much as he used to during the Final Jeopardy song, he still loves the show. Each time that a contestant lands on a Daily Double, he puts his milk down and claps for them. Then he watches to see if they get it right, if they do, he claps some more and then resumes drinking. When it comes time for Final Jeopardy, he looks at both of us, excitedly grinning when the clue is revealed. I keep taking the contestant tests and doing poorly. Maybe Jack is the Soto that will actually make it on the show!

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