Teething is a pain. And if it's a pain for me, you know it's bad for Jack. He cut his first tooth on August 28th and it seems that the one right next to it is trying to rear it's pearly white head. And it's causing my boy to be pretty bummed. He's such a good boy about it and he really doesn't cry about it (though he did have a good cry for about five minutes on Wednesday night) but he just doesn't act himself. He has kind of spoiled us by being such a happy, active boy so it is really noticable when he doesn't smile and his eyes don't light up. And it's hard when you only see him for four hours a day and he is not himself. The last two days have been better and hopefully, they will continue to be so.
He also attended his first Fremd football game. They had a staff appreciation night where there is a staff BBQ and everyone brings their families. Jack enjoyed seeing all of the commotion and playing with the kids. He especially enjoyed seeing Josh Clement, who he had met at a previous playdate. He was so excited to see a baby his own age and he greeted Josh by slapping him in the face. We are going to have to work on his friend making techniques. He liked getting into everything and playing with everything he could get his hands on, including Mommy's Pepsi, Mommy's chips, Mommy's cheeseburger and Mommy's cookies. Needless to say, I had a very quick dinner that I barely had time to taste! We are really going to be in trouble when he gets mobile.
Speaking of getting mobile, he keeps on trying but has little success. He does get a big better each day but we took a couple of steps back the three days this week that he was really feeling his teeth. He seemed to have a much lower tolerance for frustration and we didn't push it! His legs are very strong and mostly, he prefers to walk holding on to your hands. When trying to crawl, he can push his butt into the air and he can push his upper body up with his arms. He just hasn't figured out how to do it together! I am thinking it is because his arms aren't strong enough to lift his big upper body. We'll see. It's just fun to see him try new things and experience the world around him. And maybe I shouldn't be so excited for the mobility part, given his desire to explore and touch everything!! Good thing we got the house babyproofed before the start of school!!
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