Monday, February 22, 2010

Dressing Himself

Well, sort of. Today (and once earlier in the week), Jack ripped off his socks (this is not the cool part--this happens everytime he figures out he is wearing socks) and then tried to put them back on. I didn't know what he was doing at first. He got all excited about his socks and kept squeezing them. Then he looked intently at his feet and placed one sock on top of his foot. He looked at it oddly then moved his foot and started again. He hasn't figured out the whole, find the opening and put your foot through thing but at least he's figured out where the sock is supposed to go and tried to make it happen. I wish he'd do the same thing for the contents of his diaper.

Also, he has really decided that he either 1) likes bananas a lot 2) likes saying the word "banana" alot (I mean, come on, who doesn't) or 3) likes bananas AND saying the word. He's been repeating "banana" for awhile, by saying "NANA!" Incidentally, this is also his word for "Nonny" (my mom) which is quite the compliment for the fruit yet quite the slight for my mother. Anyway, a couple of days ago, he looked over at the bowl on our kitchen table where the bananas are and said, "NANA!" I then gave him some and he ate almost the entire banana. It was his first time asking for something he wanted verbally. Today, while flipping through his book, there were bananas and he looked at me and said, "NANA" again. Boy is this kid going to be confused when my mom dresses up as a banana again this Halloween.

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