Thursday, December 30, 2010

Getting to Know our Dani

It's hard to believe that it has been a month since our daughter was born. It has been quite eventful! She has definitely not been boring and has already proven to be much higher maintenance than Jack. This is not hard, however, as Jack was the most laid back baby ever. And it really isn't Dani's fault that she has been a little difficult. She has had a lot of issues to deal with.

First, she developed a milk protein allergy which caused us to play formula roulette. We switched formulas four different times trying to find something that would agree with her. In the meantime, she developed a HORRID butt rash that wouldn't heal because she kept going to the bathroom. It was awful. She was a trooper throughout, crying only when we changed her (I cried too.) which is amazing since she must have been in such pain. Finally, we switched to soy and found a remedy for the rash. Both have worked wonders and we hope we have found our formula.

However, we think that it took awhile for the milk protein to get out of her system because for about four days she had horrible colic at night and cried constantly. It was extremely trying and we were exhausted from the lack of sleep and screaming. It has gone away and since Sunday, she has been just fine at night.

The last issue is that she seems to have her days and nights mixed up. Last night was pretty good but it has been a little rough with that. However, despite it all, we still know we are incredibly blessed and there are people who aren't able to have kids that would kill to be up in the middle of the night feeding a baby. She is a very nice girl and she loves to snuggle. She looks so much like me as a baby, so naturally I think she is beautiful!

Jack has been slowly becoming more interested in her and now touches her and pretends to kiss her, though his lips don't actually touch her. He did Tummy Time with her the other day too. At times he can get a little jealous and it has been a juggling act for all of us. We are all trying to find our way: we're trying to figure out how to handle two, Jack's trying to figure out how to share the spotlight and Dani's trying to figure out being a baby outside the womb! We could all use a bit more sleep (except for Dani--she sleeps just fine!) but I know that someday, when she's toddling around, I'll miss snuggling with a baby!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Flashbacks to my Old High School Coach

Today I was playing basketball with Jack. It wasn't REAL basketball, just the Little Tikes Easy Shot basketball where it is pretty difficult to miss! Anyway, I missed two shots in a row. Jack looked at me after the second one and said, "Mommy missed AGAIN!"

Friday, December 24, 2010

Holiday Goodies

My mom and I have been baking loads of cookies for Christmas. In addition to tons of different cookies, we decided to also introduce Jack to Rice Krispie Treats. He loves them but does not call them by their correct name, preferring to dub them "Christmas Treats." We'll never call them Rice Krispie Treats again!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

More Funnies

This morning when my mom went to get Jack out of his crib:

Jack: We gotta find dat Mommy!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Nonny and Poppy Come to Town

My parents arrived today from Florida for the holidays. They weren't in the house 5 hours before they taught Jack the word, "booze". He now recognizes "booze" on sight in my father's glass. Later on, at dinner, he asked, "Where's my booze?" Later on, when asked if he wanted grapes, strawberries or apple, he answered, "Booze!"

Who knows what else he'll learn during Nonny and Poppy's two week visit!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Recent Conversations

After seeing the box that holds his new train set. (We haven't set it up yet in his new room.)

Jack: Oh. Lookit. (pointing out various pictures on the box.) Train! School bus! Yellow! 23! (feet of track), 100! (pieces)

While sitting at the front door (The front door has rectangular patterns.)

Jack: Daddy, look--square! No! Rectangles!

While passing the time during lunch in his highchair.

Jack: Mommy, how many windows?

Mommy: I don't know, Jack. How many?

Jack: One, two, three, four! How 'bout that one? Four!

Jack: Mommy, how many sliding doors?

Mommy: I don't know, Jack? How many?

Jack: Four!

Mommy: No.

Jack: Only one!

After getting a time out for hitting:

Mommy: Jack, you don't hit. No hitting.

Jack: Don't hit Mommy! Don't hit Daddy! Don't hit Christmas tree!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Milestones (Good and Bad)

Jack can now count to 30 fairly accurately and has worked his way to 50 with some help. He can also identify all numbers from 1-30 and most from 31-50 and 100. When he finishes counting cards (no he is not Rainman) he claps and yells, "Yay counting!" He has also added some new shapes to his repertoire: crescent, semi circle and trapezoid (my personal favorite). His new favorite songs "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" (he knows the words and sings most or part of it along with you). He still loves Final Jeopardy (he calls it "Funny Jeopardy") and dances in a circle and sings along with it until the end and claps either for himself or for the song. We think it's the former.

In the not so great milestone category, this morning he fell off the couch and hit the floor (softly) and said, "Dammit!" I am still oddly slightly proud due to the correct insertion of the word based on the circumstance. Looks like we are going to have to watch ourselves!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Welcome to the Family, Dani!!

Danielle Brooke Soto born 11/30/10

Jack meets Dani

The new and improved Sotos

On November 30th, this blog became about two kids. Danielle Brooke Soto ("Dani") was born at 8:00 am via C-section. We checked in at 5:30 am at the hospital, went through all the paperwork stuff and, compared to last time, it was all a breeze! I had my blood drawn or IV put in at least 4 times and each time it only took 1 stick! My average is 2 sticks but with Jack it took 4 and 3 different nurses, so I was happy! I was nervous about the spinal but that was done quickly and easily and I was numb in seconds. I didn't get the shakes this time either and was so relaxed. She was out in seconds, even though she made it a little tough for the doctors--she didn't want to come out! I was shocked to see how big she was and then the weight check confirmed it--9 lbs 7 oz! No wonder I was so uncomfortable at the end!

The day of my surgery I actually was up and walking around. I felt pretty good. Day Two was awful as I had the built up gas from the surgery and it was causing major pain all over my body. In fact, taking both C-sections into account, I have never felt worse than I felt on day two this time. However, taking both into account, as a whole, this one was so much easier. After Day 2, I didn't take any more pain medication other than ibprofen. I am sore but not nearly as much as I was the first time!

As for Dani, she's perfect. Lots of dark hair, big and sturdy and, most importantly, healthy! She looks a lot like me but I see flashes of Jack too. She's sweet and snuggly and my fears of not loving her like I love Jack dissolved as soon as I got her into my arms! It's so strange to say I have two kids! It's scary and busy but it's early. I get feelings of guilt when paying attention to one kid more than the other but that will get better. We're still feeling out the situation and until we get it all figured out, it's going to be hard but today, as my new family was sitting at home watching our evening Jeopardy, I looked at my family and felt so happy and proud! Our family was perfect before but the addition of Dani has made it even better!

As for Jack, he visited us on Thursday in the hospital. He was interested in Dani off and on but spent the rest of the time just running around the room and talking to me. When we got home today, it was much the same. He would point her out, say "I'm a big brother.", and say her name but he wouldn't touch her. He did, however, show some interest when he noticed her polka dot pajamas as he walked up to her, pointed and said, "Mommy, how many circles?"