Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Milestones (Good and Bad)

Jack can now count to 30 fairly accurately and has worked his way to 50 with some help. He can also identify all numbers from 1-30 and most from 31-50 and 100. When he finishes counting cards (no he is not Rainman) he claps and yells, "Yay counting!" He has also added some new shapes to his repertoire: crescent, semi circle and trapezoid (my personal favorite). His new favorite songs "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" (he knows the words and sings most or part of it along with you). He still loves Final Jeopardy (he calls it "Funny Jeopardy") and dances in a circle and sings along with it until the end and claps either for himself or for the song. We think it's the former.

In the not so great milestone category, this morning he fell off the couch and hit the floor (softly) and said, "Dammit!" I am still oddly slightly proud due to the correct insertion of the word based on the circumstance. Looks like we are going to have to watch ourselves!!

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