It's fun to speculate about what kind of personality Dani is going to have. Will she be funny like her brother? Will she get excited about things easily like Jack? Will she be laid back? Reserved? Outgoing? Shy?
I truly believe that birth order plays a major role. Take Jack, for example. From the moment he was born he was the center of everyone's world. Our first baby. My parent's first grandbaby. Grandma's first grandchild that she has had a huge role in raising. And Jack has certainly decided that he likes being the center of the universe. There are some major pros to this. He loves to engage us. He's smart. He has acquired language at an incredible rate because someone is always talking to him (and because he's smart!). He has learned many things that even preschool kids don't know yet (ABCs, numbers, colors, shapes, etc.). But there are also negative aspects. He doesn't like to share the attention. He can throw little tantrums if he doesn't get what he wants (which is often attention.) And he's very shy at first in groups. At music class, it takes him awhile to warm up. Last week, he refused to go up to the teacher to give his toy back, even as all the other kids did this without a second thought. It's clear that he has not been as exposed to other kids. This is fine for now, but he is going to have to work on socializing with kids his own age, as he prefers the company of adults or older children.
Anyway, this has got me wondering what our Dani will be like. She came into the situation when we already had one kid. By nature, she will not get the one on one attention that Jack once got. I wonder how that will affect her personality. I think a lot of youngest kids are really outgoing and the cut-ups of the family. I hope this will be the case for her. I get the feeling already that she is going to be initially more outgoing than Jack. She LOVES to engage with you. Jack did to but Dani really loves it. Maybe it's because she has to share the attention and because she doesn't get 100% of it, she really adores what she does get. Or maybe she's just a little social butterfly. She follows our every movement and is always watching her brother. She grins from ear to ear when you talk to her and she loves to try and talk back. She's a big blabbermouth already. Hmmm. . . wonder where she gets that from? She seems to seek out and crave interaction with others, more than I remember with Jack. And she is WAY more interested in people than in things. This morning, when I put her on her playmat, I was trying to get her to bat at toys. She couldn't even see the toys because she wouldn't take her eyes and her grin off of me! I kept trying to divert her attention to the purple elephant that she seems to like but no luck. I had to back away in order to see what she would do but as soon as she caught a glimpse of me, it was over. Maybe this is an indication that she's going to, unlike Jack, jump into social situations with both feet. I sure hope so. She is so smiley and happy (unless hungry or trying to fall asleep) and squeals with delight at any interaction. Maybe she can teach her brother how to loosen up a bit in social situations!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Uh Oh!
Yesterday Jack misquoted his favorite movie, Cars. Instead of saying, "I AM speed," he said, "I'm ON speed." This coupled with his abundant use of the word "dammit" should make fabulous impressions at future playgroups!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Jack's favorite toy in the world is his stuffed monkey, Jo-Jo. He loves Bunky too, but Jo-Jo is definitely his main man. The other day, Grandma was showing Jo-Jo to Dani and Jack did not like it one bit. He ran over there and ripped it away from her and walked away.
Today, Dani was napping and woke herself up with a coughing fit (she's had a cold for a week and a half). I picked her up and patted her back but she kept coughing. Jack was sitting next to us on the couch, drinking his milk and holding Jo-Jo. All of a sudden, he put Jo-Jo right up to Dani, offering him up to her. I was so excited that he was willing to give up his most prized possession to his little sister. What a sweet boy!
Today, Dani was napping and woke herself up with a coughing fit (she's had a cold for a week and a half). I picked her up and patted her back but she kept coughing. Jack was sitting next to us on the couch, drinking his milk and holding Jo-Jo. All of a sudden, he put Jo-Jo right up to Dani, offering him up to her. I was so excited that he was willing to give up his most prized possession to his little sister. What a sweet boy!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Extreme Close-up
I changed the picture on the desktop of my computer to be a close up of Dani that I love. It came out quite large and most of the screen is her face. Today, when I turned on the computer, Jack saw the screen and said, "That's Dani!" After closer inspection, he corrected himself, saying, "That's a BIG Dani!"
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Jack's 2nd Birthday
My baby boy turned 2 on February 5th. I can't even believe that just two years ago, my life changed forever for the better and I met the baby who would grow into the happy, funny little man, who has brought me so much joy. Two years ago, he could do nothing but lie there. Now he chats my ear off, runs around like a manic and makes me laugh constantly.
I had a great week planned. I wanted to have all sorts of fun activities leading up to his big day. However, he got sick and then the blizzard of 2011 happened, leaving us house bound. I was so bummed that the fun I had planned would have to be shifted to another time. On his actual birthday, I went into his room to get him out of bed. "Happy birthday, Jack!" I said. "Happy birthday, Mommy!" he replied. He got to watch CARS and we got him a cupcake for after dinner. He decided that he'd rather have ice cream. We let him open a couple of gifts but left some for his party on Sunday. He absolutely LOVES to open presents, screaming, "YAY!" after each little rip of paper. It doesn't even matter what's inside!
On Sunday, we had the family over for a CARS themed party. The kid is obsessed with the movie so it was easy to decide his party theme. We had hung the happy birthday sign after he had gone to bed the night before. When he came downstairs he said, "Wow! Look at that! Look at the 'H'!" It was a nice H. He got lots of great presents and had a lot more fun than last year when he cried and was tired and wouldn't eat any cake! He loved hearing the Happy Birthday song and has wished me, Paul, Bunky and Jo-Jo a happy birthday over the course of the last week.
Jack amazes me in every possible way. It's so much fun to have a buddy who just loves to do stuff with you. And everything I do is more fun with him. I love going with him to the store. He's a great listener and pays attention to what I say. He's always smiling and having fun. He's my buddy. And I am his. He always wants to snuggle or will come running into my arms to give me a hug. When we go anywhere (to the store, upstairs to take a bath, to brush his teeth, etc.) he says, "Mommy, hold my hand," and grabs my hand. I often catch myself looking at us holding hands in the mirror so I can capture in my mind forever the image of this little adorable boy in footie pajamas trotting by my side, periodically looking up at me and smiling.
I know there will be a day when he doesn't want to hold my hand at all. I know there will be a day when he doesn't come running into my arms for a hug. He will probably be too cool for me at some point. I think the change happens gradually so it doesn't kill you. But maybe not. Maybe he will have the confidence to give me a kiss goodbye when I drop him off at school or to tell me he loves me when he hangs up the phone, even if his friends are standing there. And I know that someday, I probably won't be his favorite person to hang out with, his best friend. And I know I'll be endlessly jealous of the lucky kid who gets to be. So when he grabs my hand, I always let him, even if both our hands are full of things (his with Bunky and Jo-jo who he tries to hug with one arm so he can free up the other for me) and I'll squeeze it tight knowing that these little precious moments are fleeting but, at the same time, that he'll be my amazing, best boy forever.
First Kiss
Jack finally got close enough to give his sister a kiss. It really wasn't that he was trying to show her he loved her. He wanted the attention we were giving her and jumped in the middle and kissed her after I kissed her. Then he laughed, made us laugh and wanted to do it over and over again to make sure he had our full attention. It worked. He's a crafty little devil!
For her part, Dani just thinks her brother is a pretty cool guy. She is always watching him whenever he is around. She loves to look at him. We think that this bodes well for their future relationship--Jack loves being adored and it appears that Dani is going to do just that! Now we have to work on making that feeling mutual.
Dani is getting more and more fun as the days go on. The poor girl has a terrible little cold and is very stuffy and congested. But you wouldn't know it from the way she is acting. For the last five nights now, she has slept from 10 until AT LEAST 5 and the past two nights made it to 6 and this morning, she made it to 7! Atta girl, Dani! Just in time for Mommy to go back to work! She's not a great napper but she's not on much of a schedule so maybe that will improve. Or maybe she'll be like her Mommy and just be a bad napper!
Dani really loves to interact with people already. She will stare at you and listen to you talk and she smiles her big goofy grin like crazy. She's also trying to talk back quite a bit. She's already proving to be a little chatterbox. I wonder if we will be able to handle it if she's as chatty as Jack--two motormouths going at once! I look forward to her sitting up and I think she is looking forward to that too, but she doesn't know it yet. She likes being able to use her body (even if it is pretty limited). She loves to lay on her playmat and look at the animals dangling. The purple elephant is her favorite. I think she's really going to think that the Exersaucer is cool too, once she can go in it--sitting up AND playing! We'll think it is pretty cool too, because right now she wants to be held a lot (which is understandable) but sometimes our arms need a break and she doesn't find the places we put her down to be all that stimulating! I get the feeling that she's going to like to observe and see and learn new things just like Jack. I sure hope so!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Laughter is not always the best medicine. .
We've been pretty tethered to the house because of Dani. I don't really want to go anywhere in the Winter before she has had her shots. Because we are fortunate enough to have my mother-in-law helping out, I have been able to take Jack all sorts of places and get out of the house.
However, Jack got sick last week and after days of coughing in my face, I've gotten it too. Unfortunately it couldn't have come at a worse time. I had all sorts of things planned for this week leading up to his birthday. They took a backseat to Snowmageddon 2011. No big deal. We still had the weekend. That is, until Jack didn't get any better and I started to get sick too. We had to cancel today's outing to a basketball game and tomorrow's playdate, an extra bummer since it is his actual birthday. With any luck, we'll feel better by his party on Sunday.
Anyway, I've been pretty down about it all day. I wanted it to be special for my boy and I wanted to go out and do stuff. I'm tired of being cooped up all the time and I was looking forward to some adult socializing. Instead, I made a dual doctor appointment for the two of us. Jack's appointment was at 11:30 and mine was at 12:30--different doctor, same place. I packed a bag of toys, books and snacks for the waits. After his appointment and ear infection diagnosis, we sat in the waiting room waiting for my turn. He is always such a good kid and listens when we are out. I am so lucky. Anyway, he crawled into my lap and wanted a hug. I hugged him tight and told him, "I love you, Jack. You're the best boy." He replied, "You're the best Mommy." Who needs a prescription when you hear something like that?
However, Jack got sick last week and after days of coughing in my face, I've gotten it too. Unfortunately it couldn't have come at a worse time. I had all sorts of things planned for this week leading up to his birthday. They took a backseat to Snowmageddon 2011. No big deal. We still had the weekend. That is, until Jack didn't get any better and I started to get sick too. We had to cancel today's outing to a basketball game and tomorrow's playdate, an extra bummer since it is his actual birthday. With any luck, we'll feel better by his party on Sunday.
Anyway, I've been pretty down about it all day. I wanted it to be special for my boy and I wanted to go out and do stuff. I'm tired of being cooped up all the time and I was looking forward to some adult socializing. Instead, I made a dual doctor appointment for the two of us. Jack's appointment was at 11:30 and mine was at 12:30--different doctor, same place. I packed a bag of toys, books and snacks for the waits. After his appointment and ear infection diagnosis, we sat in the waiting room waiting for my turn. He is always such a good kid and listens when we are out. I am so lucky. Anyway, he crawled into my lap and wanted a hug. I hugged him tight and told him, "I love you, Jack. You're the best boy." He replied, "You're the best Mommy." Who needs a prescription when you hear something like that?
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Dani's 2 Month Stats
Weight: 13.8 lbs (98th percentile)
Height: 22.8 in. (64th percentile)
Head circumference: 40.25 cm (84th percentile)
I compared it to Jack and Jack weighed .4 less (though he started out weighing less so he actually gained more than she did) and he was .2 taller. I'm not sure about the head circumference but Jack has always had a pinhead by medical measurement standards so I think she's got him beat there! She also got her first round of shots which she did NOT like at all. I've never heard her scream like that! She got really red in the face and let the nurses know that she did not like them one bit. She ran a little fever last night but it came down with Tylenol. However, she hasn't been eating like usual. She usually loves to eat but has been taking a couple of ounces here and there only. She's also having trouble sleeping. Poor baby. Hopefully she'll bounce back soon! Other than that, the doctor said she looks great. But we already knew that!
Height: 22.8 in. (64th percentile)
Head circumference: 40.25 cm (84th percentile)
I compared it to Jack and Jack weighed .4 less (though he started out weighing less so he actually gained more than she did) and he was .2 taller. I'm not sure about the head circumference but Jack has always had a pinhead by medical measurement standards so I think she's got him beat there! She also got her first round of shots which she did NOT like at all. I've never heard her scream like that! She got really red in the face and let the nurses know that she did not like them one bit. She ran a little fever last night but it came down with Tylenol. However, she hasn't been eating like usual. She usually loves to eat but has been taking a couple of ounces here and there only. She's also having trouble sleeping. Poor baby. Hopefully she'll bounce back soon! Other than that, the doctor said she looks great. But we already knew that!
Snowmaggedon 2011
We just got pounded with the biggest snow storm I've seen. I want to take Jack out to play in it but we are both sick and I don't know where my snow pants are! Anyway, Jack watched from the window as the neighbors shoveled their driveways. He pointed and said, "Spoons!" I wonder how long it would actually take to shovel your driveway with a spoon?
At lunch today, I walked into the room and said, "Hey!" to Jack. He looked at me and said, "What's up?"
At lunch today, I walked into the room and said, "Hey!" to Jack. He looked at me and said, "What's up?"
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