Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Today I took Jack to the bookstore (which he loves). This is a trait he inherited from me, since I can spend HOURS in a bookstore. However, my own bookstore time has been drastically cut since the arrival of my children. Now when I am at the bookstore, I am usually with Jack who doesn't really let me check out the latest new releases or the staff picks. Instead, we head to the back where the children's section is. There he plays with the books (he has the unbelievable ability to find all of the books that we own among the hundreds of spines on the shelf) and the bead maze on one of the tables. Or sometimes, much to my chagrin, he finds a cheap, stupid toy that they strategically place next to the children's section and plays away.

Today, however, I decided to briefly stop in the front section where all of the new releases are and the "Buy One Get One 50% Off" books are. As soon as I made the detour Jack whined.

Jack: Ahhhhh. Go dat way! (pointing to the back of the store)

Me: We will. I just want to check out a couple of things first and then we'll go, okay?
Jack: I gonna get mad.

At least he gave me a warning and I should applaud the fact that he is in touch with his emotions!

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