Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mini B-day for Dani

Dani's official birthday is today. We moved the family party back so that my parents could attend, however, we wanted to recognize her big day in some fashion today.

When I got home, she was happy as could be, running around playing with me, Grandma, and Jack. I made her favorite, macaroni and cheese which she happiliy shoveled in by the fistful. We then got a cupcake with pink icing and sang to her. Jack had eaten half of his cupcake by the time we finished singing. Cupcakes are Jack's thing right now. In fact, he has had them for so many birthday celebrations already that he thinks that birthdays and cupcakes are a package deal. We didn't light the candle because we know our girl too well. She grabbed at the cupcake, curious about the strange sensation at her fingertips. A few seconds later, she put one of her pink fingers into her mouth for a taste. She had a bite but wasn't completely into it. Mostly, I think she was full from her huge dinner. Even though she didn't eat much, she had no problem getting frosting all over her face and in her hair.

We headed up for a quick bath before opening presents, an Elmo doll she had picked out a couple of days earlier and an electronic book from Grandma. All and all a good first mini party to get her prepped for the big one in December.

1 comment:

Brooke Ullman said...

Weee! Happy birthday li'l girl!