Sunday, October 26, 2008

Babies R Nuts!

Okay, we just registered for baby stuff this weekend. What a daunting experience! I thought registering for a wedding was stressful. But at least you know what you need. Plates, towels, linens, it all makes sense. Deciding what pacifier (out of 300 possible varieties) you need is another story. After you pick the brand, then you have to pick the nipple size. Then the color. Then the cute animal design you want. And don't even get me started on the breastfeeding stuff. I felt kind of funny registering for breast pumps and nursing pads. Who will really want to bring that gift to a shower?

After about 3-4 hours on Saturday, thousands of baby things, and registering and then unregistering for 3 different cribs, we called it quits. And we still weren't finished! Before we left though, we too a brief rest in the gliders, more out of sheer exhaustion than from testing them out to figure out which one to buy. I spent the rest of the night researching car seats and strollers so that I could choose the best one from the 400 they had to offer. Don't get me wrong, there were parts of it that were exciting, but 4 hours of anything gets old! We headed back today to finish it all up. And I think we are there! Hopefully I hit everything that I'll need. Yet I know that I will certainly have forgotten some things, or registered for stuff we'll never use. I guess it's all part of the new parent thing. And though Babies R Us has enough stuff to make your head spin, I am sure thankful that it is five minutes from home, since I'll surely have to make mad dashes there when I realize I don't have what I need!!

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