Monday, October 13, 2008

First Baby Gifts

This past week, I got an e-mail from a Steve, a former student of mine who graduated in 2006. This is one of those special students who makes all the trials and tribulations of teaching worthwhile. We keep in touch and I am only sorry that, if this baby is a girl, he will be too old for her to marry! Anyway, rumors (and facts) spread like wildfire through the Fremd community and the news of my pregnancy was no exception. Two hours after I told the first class, I was getting e-mails from former students. Ah, behold the power of the text message!

Anyway, this student came to visit me and brought a gift along. In addition to an adorable little rattle, his mother knitted a beautiful baby blanket for the baby. I was really touched and can't think of a better person, from whom I would like to receive the baby's first gift. It makes me feel so good that I had an impact on him and made a difference for him. Now, he'll be making a difference for my kid when it gets cold!

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