Monday, June 8, 2009

Firsts in Florida

Family Swim

Michelin Man

Blowing bubbles

Jack decides he likes the water

School's out for summer and I get to be a stay at home Mommy for the next three months! School let out on Friday and we left early Saturday morning for our first big family car trip. We packed the new minivan with two adults, a baby, two cats, a litterbox and a bunch of bags. Needless to say, the majority of the bags were Jack's. It was WAY harder packing for him that it was packing for myself! We only made it to Tennessee the first night (we usually make it to Alabama) but I guess stopping for about an hour every three hours to feed and change Jack and walk him around to keep him from going stir crazy does that. He slept a good part of the trip that first night.

The second day felt a lot longer because Jack was awake for a good portion of it. It was fine at first but the last hour of the trip, Jack decided he had had enough and no amount of singing or goofy faces was going to change that. We finally arrived at Nonny and Poppy's around 4:00 pm and all of us were exhausted. But Jack got all Jacked up around dinner time when he couldn't stop laughing and squealing at everyone playing with him.
Monday, Nonny and I took Jack to Target and then to the mall. Afterwards, we visited friends (Jack and Barbara) who adored him and who he easily won over by being super smiley and squealy. He especially found Barbara to be hilarious. She kept calling him "Sugar Cakes" which would make him scream with delight. She tried "Banana Cakes" and "Apple Cakes" but neither of them got quite the response of "Sugar Cakes".
Later we got Jack ready for his first dip in the pool. We changed him into swim diapers and were slightly nervous because he hadn't gone number two at that point and we didn't want to turn Nonny and Poppy's pool into a POOl. Jack obliged by pooping just as I started to walk down the steps of the pool.
Once we finally rechanged him, I walked him slowly into the pool. He got wiggly and had an interested look on his face as he was deciding whether or not he liked the pool. It didn't take too long until he was laughing, smiling and splashing (and licking the pool water from his Floaty).
He's such a ridiculously happy kid and I'm not sure what we did to get this lucky. He loves doing new things and meeting new people. He's so much fun and so easy to bring places. We truly are the luckiest parents alive and can't wait to see him experience even more firsts!
Tomorrow: Rice cereal!!!

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