Jack had his first playdate today. We went over to my co-worker, Nicole's house early in the morning to play with her two boys--ages 2 and 6 months. Another former co-worker came with her brood: a 4 year old, 2 year old and 2 month old. There were a LOT of kids! And almost all boys--only one girl, besides the mommies! Anyway, I was especially excited for Jack to meet Josh, the 6 month old. He had never met anyone his own age and I was curious to see what he would do. We put them on the floor together and Jack was really interested. He immediately reached out and grabbed Josh's belly and then face. Unfortunately they were only awake for a couple of hours together. Jack wasn't a very good guest and he fell asleep about an hour and a half after we got there. Then Josh fell asleep an hour into Jack's nap so they didn't get too much time together. But it was fun for all, nonetheless.
Apparently, being around the older kids was quite inspiring for little Jack. When we got home, he was all about moving around. When I pulled him up to his feet, he was doing a little boogie, taking little steps all around. He also was much more stable when sitting by himself. It's amazing how much better he got even from yesterday! He also decided that today was the day to roll over from tummy to back. His little blocks work wonders. I put them sort of behind him and trying to touch them, he rolled over. Then he thought it was cool and kept doing it. He rolls in the same direction so he actually can get places by rolling. Maybe he'll skip crawling altogether and just roll everywhere! He is also working hard to get the blocks and moving a little bit. He was able to turn himself around and is better about pushing himself up. I feel like crawling may be coming soon! It's so fun to watch him learn and do new things. It seems like he does something new or better every day.
He gets so excited about everything too. It seems that he wakes up each day, pumped to see what it has in store for him. This morning, I woke up, not to the sound of crying but of thumping. He was smacking his bed, drumming his hands and feet on the bed. When I got into his room, he looked up at me and gave me a huge grin. I picked him up and he just began screaming with delight and making all sorts of noises, waking up Daddy. But he didn't mind because he woke up with a big grin on his face, hearing his little boy so happy.
Something that doesn't make him happy--peas. We found the first food that he doesn't like. When I say "doesn't like" I mean, doesn't prefer but still eats it. I think he finds the act of eating so interesting that he will try anything. Yesterday, Daddy gave him his first peas and he said that Jack made faces and only ate half of what he normally eats. Today I tried it with him and he made a stinkface right away. I also made a stinkface feeding him cold, smelly green mush. But he ate it. We'll see how long I stick with it--probably more because of me than him. It was especially disgusting when he would spit it out. It was like the Exorcist. Bottom line, I can't wait for fruits!
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