Sunday, January 24, 2010

Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk

Jack still thinks that it way more efficient to crawl from place to place. But he does like to stand and cruise along the furniture. He also occassionally enjoys walking between Paul and I. We just figure, when he's ready, he'll start walking more. And we also know that he seems to do things in a matter of a day's time. One day it seems like it will be awhile before he masters a task and the next, he's a pro. Yesterday, I had been gone all day and got home at 7:30 pm, just before bed time. Jack was excited to see me and we were having a lot of fun playing. Maybe it was because he was craving Mommy attention or maybe it was because he wanted to cheer me up because I had missed him all day or maybe it was just because he wanted to see if he could do it. But he let go of the coffee table and marched a good 10 steps across the room into my arms.

He's also trying to talk more and imitating a lot. He can imitate: Mommy (Mom-Mom), Daddy (Da-da-da-da-da), Nonny (Na-na), Banana (a-na-na), Grandma (Grrrr), Book (Buh) and Ball (buh). But it is hard to tell if he has a first word. I think that the first one is actually "book" because he will pull his books out of his shelf and begin saying "buh" on his own. I usually have to ask him to say the others. I thought I would be more brokenhearted if he didn't say "Mommy" first but "book" is a pretty good substitute. I realize that "book" doesn't feed him or comfort him when he's crying or give him baths and sing to him. But we do read a lot together and I love that he loves books!

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