Sunday, January 24, 2010

When I Grow Up

So we have determined that when Jack gets older, he is going to either be a musician, an engineer, or a restaurant critic.

The reasons Jack will be a musician: he loves music of all kinds. He dances to any music that he hears. Most of his favorite toys involve playing some sort of music. He loves his radio and his music box that hangs in his crib. He pushes the music box on and off and it helps him to fall asleep. When he watches T.V., which isn't that often, he only is attentive if there is a song playing (i.e. Wonder Pets, Dora the Explorer and the Jeopardy Final Jeopardy music).

The reasons that he will not be a musician: None that we can find yet.

The reasons Jack will be an engineer: He is constantly playing with his toys and is very serious about learning how things work. He tries to roll everything! His favorite toys are ones that can be rolled around, like balls and trucks. He also tries to roll things that don't roll. He loves to investigate things and isn't as smiley as usual when he is really into figuring out how things work. He stacks blocks and other objects as well.

The reasons Jack will NOT be an engineer (or at least a very good one): As soon as he or someone else builds a block tower, he immediately knocks it over.

The reasons Jack will be a restaurant critic: Jack loves to go to restaurants. He likes flirting with the waitresses, waving at people, watching the other kids and, above all, EATING. He loves to try new foods. On Friday, we took him out and he had his first pizza. Though it was a small pizza and we didn't give him the crust, since it was too hard, he ate the entire middle! And while he was eating it, he didn't want anything to do with any other foods or people! He also enjoys drinking water out of new things (cups, straws, Mommy's cup). After he finished his meal on Friday, he was standing on my lap and peering over the booth to the couple behind us. When the waitress brought them their food, he watched and let out a huge "MMMMMMMMM!"

The reasons Jack will not be a restaurant critic: He has not been terribly good about eating his vegetables as of late!

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