Friday, October 22, 2010

20 Month Vocabulary Count

Jack understands everything we say, it seems. He also repeats anything you ask. And he LOVES to talk. From the time he wakes up, until he falls asleep, he is talking. Right now he is trying to string tons of words together. He already makes short sentences but is trying to make longer ones. However at 20.5 months Jack can say:

hi, bye-bye, come on, Mommy, Daddy, Nonny, Poppy, Grandma,cow, duck, bird, goat, sheep, farmer, phone, letters, numbers, Time out, No hitting (kicking, pushing), Harley, Inky, light, la luz, bath, agua, leche, Jeopardy, do it, I race, truck, car, airplane, train, boat, bulldozer, crash, on up, down, monkey, circle, oval, heart, octagon, rectangle, star, triangle, square, rhombus, more, strawberries, grapes, apple, banana, pizza, meat, Jack's show, milk, football, Teddy Grahams, fishies, doggie, kitty cat, gato, tiger, lion, elephant, rhino, hippo, snake, school bus, shark, dolphin, I'm a genius, diaper, poo-poo, pee-pee, potty, jump, potatoes, chips, green bean, green, blue, red, yellow, orange, black, purple, basketball, moose, pumpkin, trick or treat, barn, shapes, draw shapes, key, hot, hat, cold, moon, sun, music, llama, balloon, push, window, bat, pillow, kiss, hug, more kisses, more hugs, give me it, book, story, night-night, Randy (stuffed cow), Jo-Jo (stuffed monkey), Bunky (stuffed monkey #2, tree, leaves, grass, outside, open, close, please, thank you, welcome, room, remote, eye, nose, mouth, teeth, hand, leg, foot, toes, tummy, belly button, turtle, slide swing, eat, good boy, shoes, socks, clothes on, Mommy working, Daddy too, Mommy beautiful, pool, towel, ready, cloud, rock (as in Rock a Bye Baby), soap, lunch, dinner, la luna, nice, sana, boo boo, correle, oh no, oh my gosh/goodness, noodles, rice, applesauce, bubbles, yucky, yummy, spoon, fork no screaming, house, home, seat, video, birthday, Happy birthday to you, yay birthday, computer, song, Gummi song, Ballgame song (Take me out to the Ballgame), ABC song, Birthday song, face, wet, throw, P.U., fast, snack, bar, colors, go, yes, no, play, go play, go bye bye, waffle, egg, Cheerios, Crunchies (cinnamon Chex), Where da...?, sleeping, Daddy sleeping, back, let go, don't touch, peach, chicken, toast, Mel, look, watch, good one, nice/good shot, sister, Dani, baby, giraffe, I win, clothes on, shoes on, lightening, skunk, rabbit, camel, shake your booty, spin, round and round, oops, oopsy daisy, zebra, horse, spider, geese, seal, antalope, head, wow, all gone, all done, Laurie (Berkner), go night-night, fan, cake, I love you, oh no, out, flower, bite, what, running, walking, glasses, kite, stop, sign, light, okay, stinky, sopla, be nice, behave, help you, mano, cookie, cracker, fruit, ice cream, Dora, Diego, Wonder Pets, Wubzy, Franklin, Yo Gabba, no breaking, Jack, close, hide, say cheese, Mommy's purse, hiccups, salud, bless you, wait, rocket, roll, bib, sandcastle, sailboat, funny, cute, smart, show me, Fresh Beat, mailbox, beep-beep, strong, arm, turtle plate, coffee, coming, comes, hold on, this, again, dance, otra vez, sit here, don't push cat, puzzle, be careful, mark set go, wait a minute

And I may be forgetting some!

He says a lot of words from his books (which we read every night). Here are some things he says. I'm not sure he knows what they all mean but. . .

Click, clack, moo
Green hat

He also:

does animal noises (moo, baa, meow, bow wow, quack)
knows the alphabet (can identify every letter), says in order of song but misses some letters
knows and can say numbers 1-20 in English
recognizes numerals 1-12 and 20 by sight
numbers 1-20 in Spanish (skipping 15 and 19)
identifies shapes (circle, oval, heart, star, octagon, rectangle, triangle, square, rhombus)
identifies colors (blue, green, orange, yellow)--he sometimes has trouble
identifies and points to body parts (head, eye, nose, mouth, teeth, ear, face, hand, leg, foot, toes, tummy, belly button)
points to most pictures in books that you ask him to identify

1 comment:

Brooke Ullman said...

Don't forget to get a quick video "interview" cause its even better when he SAYS all those things. I miss when Evie mis-said things like "cereal"... she called is "cielo." and she called the "coffee shop" the "key shop."