Thursday, October 21, 2010

Time Out!

Jack has a little bit of a hitting problem. He hits when he is angry. He hits if he is wrestling with Daddy. He hits (very lightly) to get our attention, should we dare to be giving less than 100% attention to him. Anyway, he's been getting a few time outs for hitting so we can nip this behavior in the bud. There are a few glitches in our plans, however:

1) He doesn't seem to be fazed by it. We plop him in the Time Out corner and he sits there like a good boy and finds a way to entertain himself by counting, saying his A-B-Cs or just chatting away.

1) He makes us laugh. The other day he was trying to get my attention, so he was testing me by lightly hitting me. There was nothing nasty about it, he just wanted my full attention. Finally, I got fed up and turned to him, "Jack, do you want a Time Out?" He looked me in the eye and said, "Yeshhh". I guess negative attention is better than no attention at all. We had to turn away so he wouldn't see us laugh.

3) He makes us laugh. Two days ago when Grandma was watching him, he was playing. He didn't hit at all but decided to walk over to the corner. He sat down. When Grandma asked him what he was doing he said, "Time Out!". Maybe he was just thinking of doing something bad and put himself there.

4) He makes us laugh. Today, he hit Paul while wrestling with him. When we yelled at him, he said, "No hitting Daddy! Time out!" and promptly walked to the corner and sat down.

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