Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dani notes

Dani says everything as though it is a question, even when it isn't. 

Dani gets really proud of herself when she puts words together to make "sentences" or just longer speech samples.  New favorites are "Burger and fries"  (bugu n fyes), "Burger King"  (bugu. . . .. KEEENG!), "Fan is broken" (fahn bokin), "It's dark outside."  (dahk saiiii), "Where did Grandma go?"  (O Gooona go?)  It's not always pretty but she gets the job done.

Dani is really good at colors and can easily identify blue, red, green, yellow, orange, pink, purple, and white.  She can identify the animals dog, cat, bird, duck, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, chicken, cow, pig, giraffe, rabbit, owl, fish.  She can also do the sounds for cat, sheep, monkey, chicken, cow, pig. 

Dani has a cold right now.  When she sneezes and the snot runs down her face, she declares that she has "Mocos!"  When you wipe her nose she says, "Thank you."  (Ak ooooooo!) 

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